تاريخ النشر | اسم الدرس ورابط تشغيلة | الرقم |
12/3/2020 |
trig .math trig solving right angled triangle |
1 |
12/3/2020 |
Alg. solving a system of linear equations by cramers |
2 |
25/3/2020 | trig . angles of elevation and depression | 3 |
25/3/2020 | Alg . M . inverse of a matrix | 4 |
26/3/2020 | Trig. Circular sector | 5 |
26/3/2020 | Geom . Division of line segment | 6 |
26/3/2020 | trig . circular segment | 7 |
26/3/2020 | Trig . Areas | 8 |